Consuela Rolle


Consuela Rolle

Consuela Rolle
Consuela can currently be seen in the UK Tour of PETER PAN GOES WRONG


Height: 4'11

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Native: London


Name: Chloe Oxbury

Tel: 020 7831 4450

Email: [email protected]

Location: London

For further information, view on spotlight


2023, Stage, Ensamble, cover Joy/Grace, Standing at the sky's edge, National Theatre (olivier), Sheffield Theatre (crucible),

2021, Stage, Snow white, Snow white and the happy ever after beauty salon, Salisbury Playhouse, Gareth Machin

2019, Stage, Jessie, Can't wait for Christmas, Orange Tree Theatre, Imogen Bond

2019, Stage, Enid Knightshade, The Worst witch (West End) (Olivier Winner), Kennywax, Theresa Heskins

2019, Stage, Enid Knightshade, The Worst witch (tour), Kennywax Company, Theresa Heskins

2019, Stage, Dorothy, The Wizard of Oz, Storyhouse, Alex Clifton

2018, Stage, Mole, The Wind in the Willows, Sixteenfeet Productions, John Ward

2018, Stage, Performer, World of musicals(Tour), GFD, Pipa Holiday

2017, Television, Singer, Ball and Boe back together, ITV, London Studios,